"It's a business started by faith, and that is how it's maintained."
-Andrea Burton
"We want to share our blessings with our community."
-Rhonda Krotzer
Take a drive out of town with me, just ten miles out and I promise you, you will find a gem of a small business. Anyone can walk into an antique store and feel the nostalgia of years gone by, but at one of Midland's best kept secrets, you feel that, as well as a love for people and community that runs deep in the veins. And the secret is out at 2199 West Isabella in Midland County.
Co-owners, Andrea Burton, Rhonda Krotzer, Laurie Krotzer and Ellen King recently started "An Antique Boutique" on December 2, 2017. With a love for seeing old pieces regain beauty and find a new purpose, these four lovely ladies have filled the old Chapin Feed Store on M-20 with beautiful items. A few people have walked through the door still thinking they will find feed but instead they take a step back in time. The eyes of those caught by surprise dance with joy for days gone by. One customer walked in and stated "whoa, where's the apples!" Well, the apples and carrots are gone, but the feed store is indeed not empty.
After bursting at the seems and gaining popularity as the "Farmhouse Finds" vendor at a large antique store in Shepherd, the owners knew it was time for a move and things fell together quickly. The group of women knew opening a store was something they all wanted to do long term and a great location on a main drag became available which sealed the deal. With the help of some special guys, Jim Krotzer, Rob Krotzer and Jerry Burton (Jerry they have very thankfully sited as their manager of facilities as well as inventory transportation), the place is freshened up and brimming with goodies! Laurie Krotzer said it all came together as "an answer to prayer" in perfect timing.
Great buys abound in this happy little store, from larger antique pieces, like cabinets, dressers and farm tables, to old games and antique dolls. Along with these beautiful items, many crafted pieces are available as well. Featuring both whimsical and beautiful craftsmanship. Dealing in antiques and crafting is nothing new to this group of ladies who also hope to soon sell custom made furniture and offer refinishing of your own pieces from home. Andrea and Rhonda have each successfully ran two similar stores in the past. Krotzer's Kountry Krafts had a good successful run in the mid 80's. Rhonda Krotzer was even featured in the Midland Daily News in a series featuring successful woman business owners. In the late 90's Andrea Burton's "Primitive Blessings" also did great at bringing in the crowds to her 11 mile store with primitive items as well as weekend activities and featured artists and local talent.

This great team of ladies and their vendors have a fun desire to create beauty out of pieces others might see as unredeemable. They like to bring out "unique qualities" in pieces that others might overlook. They restore pieces so people can see the useful beauty that is still there after a little TLC. Yet, this passion goes beyond "pieces", they also love to do the same in people. An Antique Boutique hosts monthly "Getting Crafty" sessions where individuals and groups can come together and learn to paint or craft. This is a fun time for groups to see their abilities. People who think they have no artistic gift often come to these events and leave realizing they also have unique qualities and abilities that they didn't realize were there. The team of ladies running the "Getting Crafty" sessions are encouraging and fun and make the time together joyful and not intimidating. These sessions are just what a person might need to be restored and refilled with some "me time".
To encourage other small business owners, the owners would say "believe in yourself, push past any red tape to make your dreams happen and don't get discouraged". These ladies contribute their success to God, prayer and giving back to the community. Profits from the business go toward buying seeds to aid in community gardens at Midland Missionary Church, and little free pantries in the community. An Antique Boutique has supplied the cabinets as well as the food in such pantries where people can come, no questions asked, and take food items they might need to get them through a tight time. It is inspiring to see a business pour out so much love. Just speaking with the ladies in the store it was so easy to see the love they have for people. They want to spread joy, meet needs and see people believe in themselves. Their desire to spread happiness and hope was contagious.
You can keep up to date with all that is going on by visiting this link to the "An Antique Boutique" Facebook page. Be sure to like their page to get updates. Also you can reach An Antique Boutique by phone at 989-488-3612.
Take a drive and give this great shop a look, as well as a return visit or two. Each time you do, you are supporting your community and supporting a small business that cares about building up people and serving those around them.
An Antique Boutique is waiting for you and unique finds are calling your name.
Article Written By: Hope Krotzer
Photography By: Amy Krotzer
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